Appointment Calendar

Treatments Available and Fees:

NOTE:  If you are in high need or in an emergency and not able to book an appointment online phone 350-354-3954 or email  There are appointment spaces set aside for this purpose.

*  Online bookings for appointments will open a couple weeks before the start of each season:  spring (April to June), summer (July to August off), fall (September to December), and winter (January to March).

Reset Treatment - Initial 2 hours - Optional 4 Week Treatment Plan
Available for those who need to clear accumulated high levels of stress and tension at the cellular level. The Reset will help to optimize the healing potential and ability to face life challenges. A Reset is: "I feel like myself again." Generally it is best to book a follow up, one hour regular session weekly, over the following 3 weeks.

2 Hour Fee: Regular Income $170. Low Income $130.
Follow up 1 Hour Fee: Regular Income $90. Low Income $70. x 3

Life Reset Treatment - Initial 3 hours - Optional 8 Week Treatment Plan
Ready to reset your life and your body from high levels of accumulated stress. Learn easy self care treatments to manage stress and improve your health as you age, along with a Reset treatment that releases stress and tension at the cellular level. Best to book a follow up, 1 hour regular session, weekly for 7 weeks.

Three Hour Fee: Regular Income $250. Low Income $190.
Follow up 1 Hour Fee: Regular Income $90. Low Income $70. x 7

Reset Instructions:
Come to your appointment early to complete a body mapping form marking past and present areas of injury and tension, and an intake form if you are a new patient. Bring loose fitting shorts and tank top to wear for easy access to limbs.

Regular Treatments

Initial New Patient Appointment we ask that you schedule 1.5 hrs.
Regular Income $120, Low Income/student/child $90
1 1/2 hr. - Video session: regular income $85, low income $75
Come to your initial appointment about 10 minutes early to fill out the 2 sided intake form that is in the waiting area..


Returning Patients
1 1/2 Hour Appointment: Regular income $130, Low income/student/child $90
1 1/2 hr. - Video session: regular income $85, low income $75
1 hr. Appointment: Regular income $90; Low income/student/child $70
1 hr. - Video session: regular income $60, low income $50
1/2 hr. Appointment: Regular income $50; Low income/student/child $40
30 minutes: Video session: regular income $35, low income $25
NOTE:  It is best to book a few follow up treatments after the Initial Treatment. With an acute symptom it is best to book 2 appointments a week if possible, while for chronic symptoms you can book 1 appointment a week, and depending on the severity up to 8 weeks to complete a course of treatments, followed by a break.  Appointments can be changed even last minute and if this is an urgent case, and appointments are not available to book online, phone 250-354-3954 as emergency spaces are available daily.
For video sessions you will receive an email with a link to press to go to Zoom, and a code that you need to type in to enter the Zoom meeting. It is easy and you can phone 250-354-3954 to get help if needed.

Family/Bubble Community Clinic:  treat up to 3 people at an appointment, all sharing the fee for the amount of time booked, recommending minimal 30 minutes per returning patient.

We accept cash, cheque, or email transfer.

Waiting Lists and Emergency Appointments: Please phone us at 250-354-3954 if it is an emergency or acute situation and you can not book an appointment online. If you wish to come in at an earlier time or date then what is available we can put you on a waiting list, but it is best to check online frequently for an earlier time as appointments open up often, even last minute, as it is our policy that anyone can change their appointment, even last minute.

Other options to help you with your health concerns we refer to the following

Tanya Allen , RTCMP

Local Student Clinic
They can contact the clinic at +12503541984

Or book online at:

Laurie's Calendar

David's Calendar